Your green spaces deserve (GPS-RTK) pattern mowing

You can’t imagine automated professional mowing without the discipline of perfect strips. It’s about the look, but also efficiency. That’s why Echo Robotics offers a range of professional robot mowers equipped with GPS-RTK navigation technology. Let us tell you all about it.

RTK stands for Real Time Kinematic

If technology interests you, we can start by defining the abbreviation RTK: Real Time Kinematic. Our robots are equipped with this connected technology, which operates via several signals:

  • GPS: the American Global Positioning System whose use is widespread all over the world
  • GLONASS: the Russian satellite-based navigation system that was developed in the Soviet era
  • Galileo: the satellite-based navigation system developed by the European Union.

The combination of these three signals is then corrected in real time by a reference station. This results in precision mowing to within a centimetre. A real revolution.

GPS-RTK technology: faster mowing

Our customers all agree: the GPS-RTK system results in faster mowing of their grounds and avoids unnecessarily going over the same spot several times. It’s easy to see how this would save time for a sport centre where the fields are occupied intensively.

After installing the system, you might notice the same major change that some of our large-area users have experienced: going from five-day automatic mowing to three runs of two hours each. Impressive.

Increased capacity for all robot mowers

GPS-RTK technology doesn’t just improve the mowing time. It also increases the mowing capacity of all the models in the Echo Robotics range. Which is logical, since a smaller mower can now mow a larger area in less time. The icing on the cake is the fact that there is less wear on the wheels and bearings because the mowing areas are even more precise.

Combining automation with attractive results

Our next-generation guidance system lets you mow sports fields in straight strips. Eight different configurations are available. For each one, the robot no longer turns away from a grassy area as if it were an obstacle. Your professional sports fields are mown to perfection.

GPS-RTK for simplified multi-zone mowing

Are you managing several fields on your estate? That’s no problem for Echo Robotics robots. Your maintenance teams no longer need to move the mower; the app lets you monitor the professional mower remotely are prepare the route for the next field. Do you need to optimise or modify a route? We have thought of everything.

Your Connected Line model has GPS-RTK technology on board

GPS-RTK technology can be installed on all the models of the Connected Line range. An antenna is added to the Echo Robotics robot mower, and another one is installed on the field to be mown. An additional module is connected to your computer. That’s it! The exact position of the mower can be determined and it mows in perfect strips.

Your robot mower connected via Wifi or 4G

The GPS-RTK system operates via a Wifi or 4G signal. With Wifi, the radius of action covered is 250 to 300 metres. This range can be increased with amplifiers. In 4G mode, your range extends to 15 kilometres.

Want to test GPS-RTK technology?

Ask us for a demonstration and your free, no-obligation custom quote.
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